Our Story

We are so grateful for all the community support we have received in the first three years of our business!

Matt has grown veggies in the region for several years. Born in a small coal town in Pennsylvania, he landed in Sequim in 2016 and is excited to serve up a pop of flavor and a splash of color to folks on the Peninsula.

Teresa has spent most of her life in Washington and has fallen head over heels for flower farming. Her equally important passion is offering therapy to trauma survivors and working towards a more equitable world. She hopes that Tampopo Farm can offer a small window toward beauty and healing.

We met in Sequim in 2017. Teresa was looking for a Japanese tutor, and Matt speaks Japanese. Over many study sessions we discovered a shared love for food, growing things and each other’s company. Five years later we started a farm on the same land where we met.

Our Mission:

The mission of Tampopo Farm is to provide customers in our Olympic Peninsula community with consistent, high quality and accessible vegetables and flowers through practices that are healthy for our customers, sustainable for the land we grow on, and supportive of the farmers.